association of european airlines معنى
- رابطة شركات الطيران الأوروبية
- association n. جمعية, مجالسة, ...
- of prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
- european adj. أوروبي, أوروب ...
- airlines خطوط جوي; شركات ال ...
كلمات ذات صلة
- association of development financing institutions in asia and the pacific معنى
- association of development research and training institutes of asia and the pacific معنى
- association of earth science editors معنى
- association of educational psychologists معنى
- association of environmental lawyers of liberia معنى
- association of european chambers of commerce and industry معنى
- association of european jute industries معنى
- association of european parliamentarians for africa معنى
- association of european shipbuilders and shiprepairers معنى